Testing payments on WordPress + WooCommerce sometimes requires your website to be publicly accessible. To make your local website publicly accessible, you can use ngrok. 1. Install and activate relative-url 2. Update your config/application.php file Replace With 3. Add your subdomain to your site’s config file Replace your-subdomain with … your sudomain. Open ~/.config/valet/Nginx/{sitename} and …
Applying patches to 3rd party WordPress plugins
Modify a 3rd party plugin without manually having to apply the changes after each update/deploy.
Bedrock Multisite WP_CONTENT_URL
When using Bedrock in a WordPress multisite setup, media URLs point to the main site’s domain (eg. example.com/app/uploads/sites/2/2022/10/image.jpg). You can change the media domain to the subsite’s domain (eg. subsite.example.com/app/uploads/sites/2/2022/10/image.jpg) by updating config/application.php. Replace by
Bedrock: Updating WP Core and plugins from WordPress admin
If you deliver a Bedrock website to a client, and you want the client to maintain the installation (perform core & plugin updates), you need to allow file mods: add Config::define(‘DISALLOW_FILE_MODS’, false); to /config/environments/production.php. The main problem with this approach is that it allows users not only to update WP core & plugins, but it …
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Deploying Bedrock WordPress website to Combell using AutoGit
Bedrock creates a project structure which is way more maintainable than a normal WordPress install. It is easy to check in to version control and we can manage our dependencies with Composer. In this post, I will be describing how to automatically deploy your Bedrock installation from your local development environment to Combell using AutoGit. …
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